YES YES I know it's been since October. My apologies! Enjoy this bunch of fabo new pics-- wrestlemania! Look in the background - it's MONSTER trucks. James made it for a record-breaking 15 minutes before yelling he wanted to go
Woody and Buzz. We have to wash these everyday because James will wear nothing else.
Next step: add the chocolate to the dough. And the crowd goes wild.
James and his girlyfriend, Emaline
Man can Bodie eat some fried fish. Seriously.
Fred, Texas fish fry for Mamason's Bday
Christmas Eve festivities
Madge and mountain weekend
Bodie's valentines party - he's to the left (by the window)
In an effort to stay more current, here are some recent pics of the goings ons at the Moore house. Below are some pics of Jdm's 3rd CARS! Birthday, Miss Amy Simon's engagement party, the RICE festival, and some Texans football action - enjoy!
I can't believe it's been over 2 months since our last post. Sorry, Sorry. Here are some pics to showcase what we've been up to lately! Chores, chores.
Boo- KSU lost in Layfayette.
Thanks to MamaSon and Paw for watching los kiddos.
James LOVES his new wheels.
First day of school!
Thank you Nana and Grumpy!
Chocolate Pie. Not Miss Eva's homeade version. But Jello instant does the job