Tuesday, June 17, 2008

James vs. Bodie: the first intervention

First thing's first... Grumpy was busy bribing James with Munchkins.

Easy, James, Easy. Of course, the "easy" didn't last long when James bopped BSM on the noggin. Resulting in all the hands of caution surrounding him.

YAY Visitors!

The MW crew!

We are so fortunate to have a fantastic network of friends and family. Thanks to all for all the beautiful flowers, food, and warm wishes.


Bodie Scott Moore arrived last Wednesday, June 11th at 7:51am. The little man weighed 5 pounds, 11 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. He is healthy, happy, and has a hair full of black hair (where did that come from). All is well in our household and we're adjusting to life with dos ninos with lots of help from our family (thank God for Nana) and friends.
PS- To those who have seen my dear sister's blog, we did NOT name our son after Patrick Swayze's criminal character in "Point Break." The name actually came from Eva Gail Simon who mentioned it months ago. Props to Teri Rivette (who requested appropriate kudos) for making the Swayze connection. ALthough I do love me some Swayze, not enough to name my kid after him.

Some people think BSM resembles my dad, otherwise known as "Grumpy" to his grandchildren.

Pre-Bodie Prep time

Colin and I enjoyed the last few days of our happy 3-member family spoiling JDM as much as possible. Enjoy these pics...

James at the B.U.S. before the Stros game. Yes, we had a baby in a bar. Note the kegs behind. He was enjoying crawling all over the leather couch while dad enjoyed a beer.

SO... James' attention span lasted all of about 5 minutes at the Stros game. We spent the remaining 3 innings inside the suite playing cars before we decided to call it quits. The most exciting part for him was spotting all the trains around the stadium. (Have we mentioned he is now completely obsessed with anything train-related? The kid yells choo-choo about 100 times a day).

Chocolate pudding....

New Baby pool

James and Macy after the sprinkler park. James was a little skirred about the flying water- but he certainly enjoyed the playground.

Dad and JDM at the beach.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

It's Kismet

Is it me, or are these two the perfect couple. I hear Brad Pitt is in Houston so I'm also trying to work up a deal to marry off one of his soon-to-be twin girls with our #2.